Call For Book Chapter DOI Prefix : 10.9780
:: Guidelines To Authors ::

“Laxmi Book Publication” publishes thoughtful books for both scholars and educated general readers in history, philosophy, literature, classics, religion, law, economics, public policy, physical and life sciences, history of science, behavioral sciences, and education, along with reference works in a wide range of fields.(Multidisciplinary). All LBP books are published in English.

  • Launch :
    The book will be launched at the “Lulu Book Publication “ ( ) 2nd October. Chapter reviewers in specific area of research and will screen the chapter proposals while the Book Editor will review the chapter proposals and select manuscripts with a high degree of relevance. The book editors will have overall responsibility for the content of the publication, and they will pay particular attention to originality, research methods, key results, and language, accepting, only chapter proposals and manuscripts that meet all scientific requirements.

  • Editorial Review :
    This chapter will be a peer reviewed edited book that will cover on higher education but will be open to other researchers too, and will serve as a free, open access resource for scientists and researchers around the world. The submitted chapters will be reviewed by the Book Editors who makes a final quality check. Acceptance or rejection of the chapter will be confirmed by together with the review commentary by 5th September . All chapter proposals will be peer-reviewed. And after notification of acceptance all submitted full chapters will be reviewed by at least three reviewers on a double-blind review basis. An editorial review of the final chapters will take place after chapters are delivered. Some revisions may be requested. Once the chapter has passed the review process and is accepted as part of the book, the authors will be required to complete the review process by 20th September

  • Formatting Styles :
    Submit using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font size 12, and 1.5 spacing. We appreciate the interest you have shown in this effort and look forward to receiving your proposal.

    • Footnotes :
      Footnotes from in-text footnotes by assigning a different set of footnote symbols to each type. Superscript lowercase letters separated by commas (no spaces) are used for author affiliations. Superscript numerals separated by commas (no spaces) are used for author footnotes.

    • Acknowledgments :
      List acknowledgments and funding sources. Dedications and disclaimers are rarely allowed.

    • References :
      Only published or in-press papers and books may be cited in the reference list. Unpublished abstracts of papers presented at meetings or references to "data not shown" are not permitted. References should be cited in numerical order as they appear in text.

    • Include the full title for each cited article :
      All authors (unless there are more than five) should be named in the citation. If there are more than five, list the first author's name followed by et al. Provide volume and issue numbers for journal articles as applicable; provide DOI numbers if volume/issue numbers are not available. Provide inclusive page ranges for journal articles and book chapters. Provide date of access for online sources. Cite databases in the text or as footnotes.

    • Figure Legends :
      The number of independent data points (N) represented in a graph must be indicated in the legend. Numerical axes on graphs should go to 0, except for log axes. Statistical analyses should be done on all available data and not just on data from a "representative experiment." Statistics and error bars should only be shown for independent experiments and not for replicates within a single experiment.

    • Abbreviations :
      Abbreviations should be accessible to a broad scientific audience; abbreviations that are specific to a particular field should be defined at first mention in the text.

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